design by lotus

graphic designer & digital illustrator

To order, please email the form below to [email protected], or send it to my social media.
I accept payment through PayPal invoice (highly preferred) or Square invoice if you do not have a PayPal account (AUD orders only).
AUD or USD customer?:
Number of figures in image:
Do you consent to the work being posted to my social media?:
PayPal Email:
(if you do not have PayPal, please specify this and give the email address you'd like the invoice sent to)

I require a large, clear reference image to work off. Please provide the reference image as email attachments, or a file sharing link (eg. Google Drive or Dropbox)
Full prepayment is required before I begin your piece.
Strictly no refunds after I have begun working.
I no longer offer printing & delivery, I am more than happy to give advice on getting the artwork printed yourself.
I can provide the images at any size in most image file types upon request. The default is an A4-sized PNG.

Pricing (AUD)
Single figure: $60
Additional figures: $50ea

Pricing (USD)
Single figure: $50
Additional figures: $40ea